Haven't Been in years?

Howdy stranger, you are not alone.

There are as many people who have stayed away from the Dentist for years as there are reasons.
Some stay away because they are afraid of what will happen, perhaps because their last visit to the Dentist didn't go so well.
Others are worried about the cost.

In the end, people can be too embarrassed to approach us, because they worry we will "tell them off" and look down on them.

If you are one of these people; please be assured we are very keen to see you and will treat you with the respect you are entitled to.
Our profession exists to serve people just like you. After all if everyone had perfect teeth - we would have no career!

We will take you through a simple process of first discussing and discovering the problems you have with your mouth, this is very discrete but you can bring a support person. We then develop a plan together to get you healthy again. This can be done over time starting with the urgent items to spread out cost and make the experience easier. Or we can complete complex cases in large appointments, often with sedation.

To help with the cost of large treatment plans we do reduce the fees significantly for multiple treatments at one time. we offer Qcard long term finance and LayBuy. Work and Income will help you to fund your dental care, up to $1000 annually without repayment, if you are a low income adult.

You own this whole process. We are all part of a team with the goal of getting you healthy again.

Let's get started today, call us on 626 6622 Monday to Saturday.