West Auckland's Professional Teeth Whitening Dentist 

teeth whitening dentist west auckland, professional teeth whitening


Whitening is a process discovered accidentally in the nineteen sixties, by Orthodontist Bill Klusmier. In an effort to help a young patient who had sustained a dental injury, he asked them to place an oral antiseptic into their orthodontic retainer. This antiseptic contained carbamide peroxide - the ingredient we still use in whitening gels today. This worked wonderfully to heal the injured gums but also, unexpectedly, whitened their teeth as well!

In the eighties academic research finally began into this interesting side effect and the rest, as they say, is history.

There is a lot of misconception around tooth whitening and a lot of misinformation also. I will share my experience from the past fifteen years of whitening teeth (including my own teeth), which has taught me what works and what doesn't.

Discolouration types
The first consideration is the type of discolouration that has occurred. Is it genetically darker teeth, antibiotic staining from childhood, a single discoloured tooth - perhaps root filled, aged teeth or dental fluorosis? All of these conditions will respond in different ways to whitening. Two groups of people have rather unique staining in their teeth: - Children of the sixties may have been exposed to Tetracycline antibiotics as a child, before the medical profession realised this stained the teeth grey green, often with horizontal stripes. - Children from the eighties forward may have been exposed to a little too much Fluoride, this usually causes some white speckling on the teeth.

Professional Teeth Whitening is a very successful treatment for most of these conditions when properly provided. It is the most cost effective and harmless form of cosmetic dental treatment care.

Teeth Whitening Techniques
There are two main types of whitening: Take home tray whitening and In chair "power" whitening.
Take home whitening is the original technique developed way back in the eighties. It has a long record of success and thirty years of research to back it up. This technique is the gold standard for dental whitening. It requires a commitment from the consumer to use the trays, sometimes for a long period of time. This can cause some tooth sensitivity during treatment which is usually mild and manageable.
In (dental) chair whitening
is a more recent development. Usually lasting an hour per session, the patient has their lips and gums isolated with rubber, cotton wool and plastic barriers. Very strong hydrogen peroxide gel is then placed on the teeth and "activated" with a blue lamp (not actually true, the lamp is most likely a gimmick). This technique promises fast results without the hassle of wearing trays for weeks. Often shown in use on TV there can be some stunning initial results. Unfortunately, within a few days, these results usually diminish, often completely, leaving a very disappointed customer. This technique can be extremely painful during and after treatment and is not recommended for those with sensitive teeth or a low pain threshold. In chair whitening is of use to those who need their teeth whiter instantly, perhaps for a specific event occurring within 24 hours. Take home teeth whitening requires only three days to achieve similar results.

We have limited our whitening to take home systems, for the reasons outlined above. We have found it to be effective, comfortable, cost effective and safe. In chair teeth whitening can be very unpleasant and is unlikely to achieve the desired outcome.

What Happens
After checking you are a suitable candidate for whitening and explaining any special considerations; two simple impressions are taken of your upper and lower teeth. In a day or two we will have your whitening trays ready to use. Ideally wear these at night for the best outcome. Whitening usually takes from 2-6 weeks but can take up to six months for those with Teracycline staining. Single discoloured teeth are treated in a similar way but only this one tooth is treated.
If you have heard stories of teeth whitening not working from friends, they were probably treated with in chair bleaching or by a provider who did not understand the need for a longer treatment period to achieve a proper outcome.  

To achieve optimal results, call a professional teeth whitening dentist such as the Lynfield Dental Centre on 09 626 6622. 

Permanent custom trays, whitening gel kit and instructions $399.00
Kit lasts approx 2 weeks when correctly used. Replacement syringes $20.00 each

Call us on 626 6622. We are happy to advise you about your best teeth whitening plan.

Lynfield Dental Centre also provides dental services such as Dental Check Ups, Children's Dentistry, Cosmetic Dentistry, Sedation Dentistry and Emergency Dental Services to West Auckland communities including Mt Roskill and New Lynn.


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